Although GMA meteorologist Ginger Zee appears to have a flawless face, today she admitted that makeup hides a skin condition called melasma. One year ago, Zee gave birth to her son Adrian. Although she adores her son, she admits that his birth has changed her life and body forever
“I’m not talking about the still-pink scar that crosses my lower abdomen where I had a c-section. That and the deflated boobs are both parts of me that I have come to accept and love as a badge of honor for becoming a mother.The day I looked in the mirror and saw a mask over my face, that was the day I said, enough is enough. My skin was brown in patches and bright white in others. It looked much different than it had before I had the baby.”
She went to dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe, who diagnosed her with melasma- a hyperpigmented rash on the face associated with hormonal changes. It is commonly found in pregnant women, and in women on birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy.